Planning for Incapacity

Many families deal with loved ones who have unexpected events in life that lead to incapacity.  Whether it is a fall, heart attack or some other medical emergency, you should be prepared.  Therefore, in this weeks’ column I will discuss planning for incapacity and explain the alternatives. What does the term “incapacitated” mean? An adult …


In the past, I have written articles on Pipelines and Eminent Domain.  These were very popular and with another Kinder Morgan pipeline coming through Walker County, I have written a follow up on pipeline negotiations.  Thank you to Tiffany Dowell Lashmet with the Texas A&M Agrilife Extension Service for allowing me to use her article …

Probate in Texas

With the influx of people to Texas in the last few years, it occurs to me that many may not be familiar with the system of Probate in Texas.  Probate is one of the most misunderstood words in the legal language, probate is simply the administration of a deceased person’s property or transfer of their …


My youngest son is attending Texas A&M Univeristy and a member of the Corps of Cadets.  Due to his commitment to Texas A&M, he will not be able to come home and vote on Election Day.  So, he filed out paperwork to mail in his ballet.  I am proud that he values the importance of …

The Right to Farm Act

Again, this week I am writing about information that might be beneficial if you have a farm, ranch or rural property for hunting.  Heck, it might even apply if you raise vegetables to sell at the Saturday Farmers Market in front of O’Reilly Auto Parts.  The Texas Legislature addressed a few right to farm topics …