Corporate Transparency Act

As of January 1, 2024, a new law known as the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) requires that certain owners of registered entities provide personal information to anew database created by the US Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (called “FinCEN” for short).  With limited exceptions, this requirement applies to all registered entitiies, like Limited Liabiity …


The Fifth Amendment states, “nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation.” My initial, inexperienced impression was that this clause meant just what it said. And over the years, my conviction has not changed that this straightforward language indeed indicates an unequivocal truth—that the Constitution prohibits takings for private use.  I …

Endowments for Education

Are you involved with a civil organization?  Does your organization award scholarships to graduating seniors at a local high school?  Through a charitable gift, you can create an individual endowed fund to benefit most universities. The process can be easy and customizable allowing you to specify your fund’s name and whether you’d like your gift …


Another primary is upon us.  This will be the first year without Mom and I will miss discussing the candidates with her.  I had a conversation with a friend about voting, and they had never voted.  So I thought I might try again to encourage folks to vote.  My family has always challenged each other …