Probate in Texas

With the influx of people to Texas in the last few years, it occurs to me that many may not be familiar with the system of Probate in Texas.  Probate is one of the most misunderstood words in the legal language, probate is simply the administration of a deceased person’s property or transfer of their …

Gifts to Your Family the IRS Won’t Tax

Gifts to Your Family the IRS Won’t Tax

Don’t allow ongoing political and financial uncertainties to hold you back from providing tax-free gifts that can benefit your family. Despite the speculation surrounding these matters, you still have the opportunity to make tax-free annual exclusion, medical-payment, and educational gifts.   By taking advantage of these gift options, you can support and contribute to the …

What is the Difference Between a Partnership and Corporation? Part 1

What is the Difference Between a Partnership and Corporation? Part 1

Met with a client recently to discuss the differences between a partnership, corporation and Limited Liability Corporation were.  I thought that might make a good topic for this column and so I will start this week with describing a partnership.   A partnership is an association of two or more persons to carry on as …