A transfer on death deed transfers an interest in real property from the owner to a designated beneficiary(ies) effective at the transferor’s death.  This was established in 2015 by the 84th Legislature and is addressed in the Texas Estates Code §114.051.  Originally, the State adopted promulgated forms for these deeds.  However, in 2019, the 86th Legislature removed …


My youngest son is attending Texas A&M Univeristy and a member of the Corps of Cadets.  Due to his commitment to Texas A&M, he will not be able to come home and vote on Election Day.  So, he filed out paperwork to mail in his ballet.  I am proud that he values the importance of …

Federal Regulation of Residential Real Estate

Big Brother, Federal Government Regulation, is coming to residential real estate transactions.  This is on the heals of the Corporate Transparency Act (discussed in an earlier column). Issued on February 7, 2024, with a stated purpose of “combat[ing] and deter[ing] money laundering in the U.S. residential real estate sector by increasing transparency, the Residential Rule …

The Right to Farm Act

Again, this week I am writing about information that might be beneficial if you have a farm, ranch or rural property for hunting.  Heck, it might even apply if you raise vegetables to sell at the Saturday Farmers Market in front of O’Reilly Auto Parts.  The Texas Legislature addressed a few right to farm topics …

Corporate Transparency Act

As of January 1, 2024, a new law known as the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) requires that certain owners of registered entities provide personal information to anew database created by the US Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (called “FinCEN” for short).  With limited exceptions, this requirement applies to all registered entitiies, like Limited Liabiity …