A transfer on death deed transfers an interest in real property from the owner to a designated beneficiary(ies) effective at the transferor’s death.  This was established in 2015 by the 84th Legislature and is addressed in the Texas Estates Code §114.051.  Originally, the State adopted promulgated forms for these deeds.  However, in 2019, the 86th Legislature removed …

Probate in Texas

With the influx of people to Texas in the last few years, it occurs to me that many may not be familiar with the system of Probate in Texas.  Probate is one of the most misunderstood words in the legal language, probate is simply the administration of a deceased person’s property or transfer of their …

Pros and Cons of Probate

A good friend and classmate, Matthew Crider, practices estate planning law in California.  He wrote an article on the pros and cons of probate there, so this week, I have done the same for probate in Texas.    Many times the term “probate” frequently carries a negative connotation. In fact, financial planners advise many individuals, …