1315 11th Street, Huntsville, Texas 77340 (936) 295-6394
Practical Wisdom, Trusted Advice, Personal Service

Should You Have a Caregiver Agreement?

It was recently brought to my attention that while many adult children are serving as caretakers for their aging parents, very few receive reimbursement for their time or trouble.  I am not surprised by this and personally feel this is one’s obligation to their parents.  Many children and grandchildren feel that helping their aging relative is a privilege, or perhaps a responsibility, and not something that they would ever dream of taking money for.  However, this situation is a common area for discord among siblings.

I have seen situations where a family member suggest they be paid for caring for their elderly parent(s).  This reflects the views of many adult children who have elderly parents to care for.

Creating a caretaking agreement between relatives is something that benefits both the caretaker and the elderly relative.

However, a financial arrangement between a caretaker and an elderly relative can actually be a way to protect the older person.  There may come a time when they have to go into a nursing home and wish to qualify for Medicaid.  While I believe Medicaid should be an avenue of last resort, the caretaker agreement could help them qualify.

The financial arrangement must be an official one.  Any money given to a caretaker outside of the legal caretaker agreement could be construed as simply a gift.  This may cause a disqualification or delay in receiving benefits.

Although you may feel that you would gladly care for your mother or father for free, consider the benefits of a caregiver agreement.  Talk to your attorney about whether a contract of this kind could be useful to your family.  All situations are not equal, but if they are close to qualifying a caregiver agreement may be the ticket.

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